Monday, 18 December 2023


I composed and recited this poem during the online Kavyakaumudi International multilingual poet's group  meet on 17th December 2023.   The poem draws attention to the fact that each day brings good or bad tidings based on one's own mental state. It has nothing to do with the day itself, Keeping one's mind clean, saving ourselves from negative thoughts and taking responsibility for one's happiness would lead to each day being happy and abundant.

रोज़ आती है सुबह

सूर्य की रश्मियाँ-  खिड़की से निकलते   

मुस्कुराते ,खेलते खेलते , मुझे जगाती  है  

एक जैसा लगने पर भी 

रोज़ जगाने का काम करने पर भी 

हर सुबह एक सामान नहीं होती 

हर सूर्योदय ले आती है , अलग अलग अनुभव 

कभी ख़ुशी तो कभी ग़म 

कभी आशा, तो कभी निराशा  

कभी गुस्सा, कभी आनंद !  

परंतु, इस में  बेचारी सुबह का क्या कसूर 

सब कुछ है निर्भर, अपने ही मनोदशा पर 
मन साफ़ रखने से , बुरे विचारों से बचने से 

ख़ुशी का ज़िम्मेदारी ख़ुद लेने से 

ठीक रहती है मनोदशा 

तब , ज़िन्दगी भरपूर 

आनंद ही आनंदमय !

राजीव मूतेडत   

Sunday, 10 December 2023



चौराहा पर खड़े होकर, मैं चारों  और देखा 

कुछ लोग  सीधा  जा रहे थे , कुछ दायें और कुछ भाएँ 

मैं देखता ही रह गया ,  समझ  में  नहीं आया कि कहाँ जाऊँ  

तब तक के  जीवन, की झलकें आयी  

एक के बाद एक, आँखों के सामने 

क्या मैं ठीक रास्ते से आ पहुंचा हूँ ? 

कौन जाने  , क्या सही , क्या गलत था 

ध्यान जब  केंद्रित था,   दैनिक जीवन  में 

ज़्यादा सोचने का समय कहाँ था 

पापी पेट का जो सवाल था !   

मैं दूसरों के ओर देखा  

उस व्यस्त, माहौल में  भी 

कई जा रहे थे आत्मा विशवास से 

सीधा ,  दायें, भाएँ 

वहीं, जहाँ उन्हें जाना था  !

उदासी में डूबी स्तिथि से ऊपर उठकर 

अपने  आप से, मैं पूछने लगा 

कब तक ऐसा खड़े रहोगे ? 

थोड़ी देर हिचकिचाने के बाद, मैं 

मन में निशचय  कर लिया  और मोड़े,  दायें ओर 

क्या मैं सही, कर रहा था ? रास्ते में पत्थर, काँटे ना मिल जाएँ ? 

अंदर से आवाज़ आई , "आयेंगे , तो आने दो 

झेल लेंगे , बेकार खड़े रहने से बेहतर हैं " 

एक बार मुड़ कर देखा तो , कुछ लोग वैसे 

वहीं खड़े थे , उस चौराहे पे , संदेह, सम्ब्रम  में  

न जाने कितने देर से ये खड़े थे

घंटों से , दिनों से , शायद कई सालों से...  

 राजीव मूतेडत    

NB: This poem was written for recitation during the Seniors Today online Poetry meet on 8th December 2023.   

Monday, 4 December 2023

यादें - जीवन का सहयात्री

 तरह तरह की यादें 

कुछ रंगीन, सुनहरे 

कुछ दर्द भरी , भूलने योग्य 

बचपन से बुढ़ापे तक, यादें ही यादें हैं 

ऐसा क्यों, कि  मीठी यादों से ज़्यादा 

कड़वी यादें आती हैं , सताती हैं 

इस बुढ़ापे में ? 

तो  बन गयी है  यादें 

पूरे जीवन का सहयात्री 

ये  रहेगी  साथ में 

मरते दम तक !

आगे  की यात्रा में भी  , अनंत यात्रा में 

क्या साथ देगी, ये यादें ?

कौन जाने ...?   

राजीव मूतेडत


Saturday, 2 December 2023

The Pain of Separation

"Virah" or the pain, associated with separation 

can be intense, debilitating, a gnawing feeling deep inside 

often discussed  in the context of beloveds 

lovers separated by circumstances- financial differences

parental opposition, societal norms, objections..  

The other day watched a Zoom discussion 

featuring senior citizens, living by themselves

 children had flown far away where their jobs took them 

 even to the other parts of the world...

Opinions differed between both sides of pendulum 

"Well, that's life, get real, be practical , learn to live 

happily by yourselves!  "Surely you don't want 

to be a stumbling block to son/daughter's future & growth 

moreover, isn't it lot better than being ignored, neglected

by children living in the same city, couple of blocks away?" 

On the other side were valid points too! 

"My only child" having a steady job 

with spouse also well employed 

decided 'out of the blue' to move to 'cold' UK 

We tried living with them, for short periods

the strong pull of grand kids being irresistible

yet the climate, our roots, need to socialize

brought us back to our country sooner than later" 

No matter how much we deny it, it is there 

this pain of separation -  whether from a beloved

a child , parent or sibling 

It's real for the ones who experience it 

who are we to sit in judgement ?

pooh, pooh what they actually  feel ...

After all, imagining what it feels, to another

is not the same as feeling its intensity, depth, magnitude

experiencing it ourselves! 

yes ,‘Viraha’ the pain of separation is real

it needs to be acknowledged and accepted

before it can be dealt with, handled effectively… 

NB: This poem was composed for and recited at the online Seniors Today Poetry meet in November 2023. 

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Toddler's Day out


On this jolly day, on  a holiday, with parents 

hey toddler, you're having so much fun

even as, you have just learned to run !

There you are, running and chasing 

pacing with little  goats, birds 

and petting brown, white bunnies 

with love and tenderness...

Off  to the beach  at the resort's reach

for fun with water, splashing away in glee 

enjoying the lovely landscape too 

and then for a tour of  Kuah town 

to watch lovely sunset, turn orange & brown 

Finally, to end  great day,  exotic food

at fascinating restaurant, elegantly good 

mouth watering deserts like 'Cold creamy Godiva' 

By then toddler, you are fast asleep 

having said "Good bye" to a lovely day 

that can bring smiles years later 

sweet memories, told,  retold by parents and kid! 

NB: This poem was written in response to a call from "Million Muse" Facebook poetry group  to write on  the theme "Poetry on/  for children"   

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Your Health in Your Hands

 "Prevention is better than cure" 

a quote dinned into our ears since ages 

yet, we pay no attention until it's too late! 


Even at the cure level, most want no responsibility

preferring to leave process to doctors and medicines 

content being a 'patient' slave  

following diktats of the experts! 

The other day joined a webinar on "Poly pharmacy"

a situation where  patients are on 5 or more medicines

That  act, interact and often cause more harm than good

Patients, particularly senior citizens 

become zombies, inert , dazed 

crippled physically and mentally, most of the time 

In such a condition, often forget things, people

even whether they already took the medicine 

Arise, awake oh human, time overdue to

take responsibilty,  put your foot down 

A living zombie with poor quality of life 

useful only to drug companies, doctors  

better an active life minus a few years 

than a dazed zombie for life! 

Yes, time has come to move away 

from being a mere 'patient' 

to becoming a responsible participant 

in managing your health, calling the shots 

ensuring your health is in your hands!  

NB: I recited this poem during the virtual October month meet of the Kavya Kaumudi Multilingual International Poets meet.   

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Twin sides of a Coin

Mutual trust, mutual understanding-

Two sides of the same coin

One dependent on the other  

Complementing each other!


It takes two to Tango 

when both parties want it, value it 

Then, trust becomes possible 

Understanding happens….

Want trust? Be reliable and trustworthy!

 When followed through with genuine action

Relationships blossom, become gardens!


Rock solid trust, impossible

if promises not kept? if broken, once, twice

too many times...

The bottom line is caring enough 

Caring enough to make efforts

To understand, the priorities, motivations

Needs of the other person…


When the basics are addressed, 

understanding happens....

Just as daylight is a natural given 

of the rising sun, inseparable is

Mutual understanding and trust  

One follows the other

After all, they are two sides of the same coin! 

NB: This poem was composed and recited during the  Motivational Strips  "Be a Star Contest" featuring poets from over 100 countries. It won a Honorary mention certificate (Poetry excellence) .

Friday, 29 September 2023

Independence Day Tribute

Preamble:  This poem was composed for  and included in the anthology "Mauritius Caught in a Dream" to commemorate the nation's 55th independence day anniversary and 31st Republic anniversary.

Beaches, lagoons and reefs

beckon tourists, one and all to

the paradise of multicultural harmony! 

the land of multi-coloured coral reefs,

rainforests, waterfalls, and exotic wildlife

Mauritius , the natural beauty, stands tall

hailed as she is, the “most peaceful African nation”


A product of a heady mix of European, Indian and African culture, the island nation

boasts of religious inclusion, peaceful coexistence

of Hindus, Catholics, Muslims, et al. 

Taking stock, closer to independence day

a lot attained, a lot gained, as welfare state   

free education, universal health care, 

free public transport for students,  the elderly

Yet, lot more to conquer materially

socially, spiritually, and put her stamp 

on the comity of nations! 

Poised to celebrate another independence day

may all wishes, dreams, aspirations

of this beautiful, colourful, harmonious

 people of Mauritius, come true sooner than later!  

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Reality is Relative

Get factual, be real, discard imaginary fantasy, you say 

Look at things as they are, in real practical terms 

Can you see it, touch it, hear it, smell it

No? then throw it out of the window! 

Ask the common man and he 'll tell you 

No reality movies for me, too much of it in daily life

Give me fantasy, make believe, a chance atleast on screen

To whip a goon, unjust boss, a corrupt politician! 

In any case whose experience is the real experience? 

what is real , unreal? Just because you don't experience

Colour, caste and other discrimination 

doesn't mean it doesn't exist in other's reality

Rejecting reality doesn't change it buddy! 

When I believe my view, based on my thought, experience 

 Is the true and only reality, it provokes

 The subjectivities, inconsistencies in others

Soon one calls the other "Stupid", "Misinformed" 

Like the four blind men, all of them right 

After touching different parts of an elephant

Fought and argued over how a real elephant would be!    

NB: I recited this poem during the Seniors Today Poetry meet on 15th September 2023   

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

The Golden Era of Indian Hindi Film Music


Preamble: This article was originally written for the September 2023  issue of the quarterly online magazine Journal of Asian Arts, Culture and Literature (JAACL)

It is well known that song and dance are an inseparable part of Indian cinema. The very first full-length Indian talkie film “Alam Ara” made by Ardeshir Irani released on March 14, 1931 at the Majestic cinema Bombay had 7 songs. The films that followed such as “Laila Majnu” and “Shakuntala “also had plenty of songs. In the movie “Shirin Farhad”, there were as many as 17 songs sung by the lead pair Master Nissar and Jahan Ara Kajjan. With huge commercial success of these films, music became an integral part of the Indian cinema. This is not surprising considering the part played by song and dance in the cultural festivities and ethos of our country

The studio system evolved in the country with the advent of the talkie, the prominent ones being New Theatres, Bombay Talkies, Prabhat Films, Sagar Movie tone and Ranjit Films, which provided huge entertainment to the masses laced with plenty of songs, dances, drama and action.

Under the studio system, talented technicians, actors and musicians were contracted on monthly stipend. It was actors who knew singing who could make a bigger mark during this period. The most successful was the acting, singing star, sensation Kundan Lal Saigal who continued to dominate the industry till his death on 18th January 1947. The pure and pristine songs of the 30s set the tone for the beginning of film music in India.  It was marked by literary flourish and theatrical influence.

The play back system attempted in the movie “Dhoop Chaon” in 1935, gradually developed to high standards within a decade. The actors were happy to be relieved from the additional task of singing and the music directors had the opportunity to give their best with better technology and the use of talented singers, well versed in their trade.  

The forties saw a disruption to the existing studio system with independent producers also entering the fray. It also saw composers using the folk content of their respective regions (Punjab, Bengal, Rajasthan). C. Ramachandra combined the eastern and western music and established his own identity and style.

If the 30s set the tone for the beginning for film music, the 40s was a period of consolidation. Many talented personalities in the areas of lyric writing, singing and music direction emerged, blossomed and put their stamp on Indian film music for the decades to come.  As for example Naushad,  Majrooh Sultanpuri, Lata Mangeshkar and Mohammed Rafi had their debut during this period.  

Forties was also a period when female singers with heavy, rustic, robust voices  such as Amir Bai, Rajkumari, Shamshad Begum. Khurshid, Suraiya and Zohrabai made a mark. Noorjehan the Malika-e-Tarannum, though also of this period had a voice, that was less heavy than the others. Lata Mangeshkar has acknowledged her as being a role model early in her career. After partition, when Noorjehan decided to move to Pakistan, Lata with her light melodious voice became the undisputed queen of Indian film music in the decades to follow.  

 Most experts tend to agree that the fifties, sixties and up to the early seventies comprise the golden era of Indian film music. The main reason for this can be attributed to the collaboration of a number of creative personalities in the area of lyric writing, music and acting whose contribution peeked during this period.

During the fifties the triumvirate stars of Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Dev Anand established themselves. They had their preferred team when it came to music. If it was Hasrat Jaipuri/Shailendra, Shankar Jaikishan and Mukesh for Raj Kapoor, for Dilip Kumar it was Shakeel Badayuni and Rafi. Dev Anand preferred S.D. Burman and Kishore Kumar.

Many socially relevant movies were also made during the fifties requiring the support of competent poets and lyricists to cater to the various moods and situations. As the movies of this decade and the decade that followed also had plenty of glamour and dance sequences featuring lead actresses like Madhu Bala, Vyjayanthi Mala, Nargis, Meena Kumari, Nutan, Waheeda Rehman etc, the movies were a treat for both the eyes and ears.

The talented singers of the era include Lata Mangeshkar, Manna Dey, Mohammed Rafi, Mukesh, Geeta Dutt, Hemant Kumar, Kishore Kumar, Shamshad Begum, Suraiya and Talat Mahmood. Many good poets such as Majrooh Sultanpuri, Shakeel Badayuni, Sahir Ludhianvi, Shailendra, Rajinder Krishan, Hasrat Jaipuri, Indivar and Kaifi Azmi  contributed immensely to the appeal of the songs.

 As for music direction, the producers had the pick from a host of talented musicians in Naushad (the Maestro with the Midas Touch), Shankar Jaikishan, C. Ramachandra, S.D. Burman, Roshan, Madan Mohan, O.P. Nayyar, Hemant Kumar, Khayyam, Ravi, Salil Chowdhury etc. In the sixties, the talented Kalyanji Anandji, Laxmikant Pyarelal and R.D Burman joined this elite group.

Although new heroes such as Rajendra Kumar, Dharmendra, Shammi Kapoor, Sunil Dutt, Joy Mukherji, Rajesh Khanna (fag end) emerged in the sixties and there were also changes in the content of movies that became more flamboyant in style, the music continued to be on a firm foundation of good poetry and melodious music.

The reign of the romantic hero and first Superstar of Hindi cinema, Rajesh Khanna continued till the early seventies during which period the music was still wholesome and melodious with beautiful lyrics. Subsequently, in the late seventies the image of the hero changed to that of “Angry young man” in most films. The heroines who had meaty roles previously with scope for interesting song situations were reduced to singing a couple of duets. The quality of the lyrics also became crass and lacking the poetic qualities of the ‘golden era’. The music became loud replacing the soft melodies .

It is a fact that this dark trend continued for some time and it was only in the nineties that melody came back in a big way to Hindi cinema under the stewardship of a new crop of talented music directors such as Anu Malik, Jatin Lalit, Anand Milind, Nadeem Shravan and A.R.Rehman. Can we then call the nineties decade also as part of “the Golden Era”?  This can be answered only if we appreciate the fact the single most factor that differentiated the ‘Golden era’ from the others was the quality of the lyrics.  It was pure poetry then in most situations, be it romance, loneliness, excitement or sadness.

Appreciating the constraints on the length of our discussion, let us look at two romantic songs both super melodies, one from the 60s ( Baharien phir bhi Ayengi 1966- Music OP Nayyar) and the other from the 90s (Kuch kuch hota Hai 1998 -Music : Jatin-Lalit) .

The lyrics of the 1998 song written by Sameer and sung by Udit Narain and Alka Yagnik that starts with the line “Tum paas aye, Yun muskaraye.. Tumne na jaane kya sapne dikhaye..” is a very popular song with some lovely melodious music.

Now, let us examine the 1966 song written by Anjaan and sung by Mohammad Rafi. The song starts with  the line Aap ki haseen rukh pe,aaj naya noor hai. Mera dil machal gaya toh mera kya kusoor hai?” If one were to listen to the whole song, it would be clear that each line is sheer poetry and that the legendary Rafi has sung it with all the subtle nuances.

This then is what sets the ‘Golden era’ (Fifties, sixties to early seventies) apart from all other decades-  time when there was a bonding camaraderie and cohesiveness between lyricists, music directors and singers who sat down together to co-create with everyone giving their best.  The songs of the golden era have withstood the ravages of time and continue to be loved to this day! 

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Children- The Little Angels

Preamble: The ALS Performing Arts Face Book Group during a weekly challenge gave us the theme of "Children" for singing a song. I chose a lovely and  powerful lyric penned by renowned poet Sahir Ludhyanwi and set to tune by ace music Director Ravi from the Hindi movie "Do Kaliyan". For the benefit of readers who are not familiar with Hindi, I have loosely translated the lines to English.

Little children. truthful in heart and mind 

Loved by the entire world 

They are sweet little flowers

loved, held close by God supreme 


When they get upset,

They quickly come out of it too

Become friends again with

one they fought, a minute ago

No dislike for anyone, no one an enemy, stranger

Their innocence, greets everyone with open arms…


So long as human is a child, rest assured

they are clean and true at heart

It’s as they grow in age that

Mind gets tainted with lies

Temper rises, hatred surrounds, greed enters

In childhood, saved from these sins

Children live a happy, joyful life…


Soft in body, beautiful in mind

Children, lot better than adults

They don’t practice false discrimination

Based on caste, colour, creed or race

No confrontation based on language

Nor huge walls built on religion

In their eyes, a temple, Masjid, Gurudwara

or church are all one!  

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

He came home late again! (Short Story)

“You have come late again! Do you realize it is 11 PM in the night?”    

  Well, I will  jolly well come home when I feel like it! “  

“ So what’s your problem?  When I ask you a  straight question, you have no proper answer and yet you are behaving strangely with each passing day” 

“ There are some things we can’t tell straight to the face. But if you cared enough you would understand Deepika.” 

“ Are you suggesting that I don’t care? How dare you  Kartik! We have been married now for over three years. I see that your behaviour has been becoming from bad to worse in the last six months. What is the matter with you?”   

 “ Deepika, I cannot tolerate a third person coming in between us, husband  and wife!” 

“ Now, what do you mean by that?” 

“I mean that our privacy and freedom is being violated. I seem to matter to you less and less with each passing day!  Then, what does it concern you at what time I come in“

“Hey, Kartik have you gone mad !” 

“It is not about me having gone mad!  If the situation here continues like this, I will certainly become mad. Who should decide whether we should go for a late night show?  Whether I should buy you a new watch or Whether we or the children should sleep in the master bedroom?

“ You know that only the master bedroom has an attached bath room. “

“Ok so tell me! Who should decide even the smallest of things in this house?”

“I know what you are getting at  Karthik! ! This conversation is not  going anywhere! I understand your problem. It is your poor self esteem that gets you to see anything and everything as interference!” 

“ what do you mean poor self esteem! I had sufficient self  esteem to be hired by a multinational company.  They always looked up to me at office!  If anything, getting married to you has been the beginning  of my  problems of self esteem.” 

“ What do you want? That my mother shouldn’t speak to me or advice me ever? You know that I am her only daughter!”

“ Deepika, why does she have to call 5 to 6 times daily?  Why is it that she is the first person to know everything that happens in this house, even before me? Why do you report to her like a running commentary even the smallest of tiffs and private conversations we have?” 

“ I think, you are becoming oversensitive Kartik. Is this the reason that you have been behaving strangely for the last three months? 

“ Deepika, it hurt me that you couldn’t wait to tell me that you are pregnant with our third child. You chose to tell your mother first.

 Frankly, I am not at all thrilled with the way our life is shaping.  I have some problems in the office as well. The new boss doesn’t seem to like me. He picks holes in my work  so often, I fear I may even lose my job!

I think you should go in for an MTP so that we can have our next child later, if at all when we are mentally prepared for it.”

“Kartik  buck up. You are getting worked up unnecessarily. My mother has been always  concerned  about me  as I am her only daughter…..Okay, okay,  since this matters to you so much , I will reduce my interaction with her, may be one call per day instead of 6?”  

Kartik gave a weak , relieved smile; his eyes registering  a sign of hope. Just then  Deepika’s mobile rang. She moved away to answer it in the bedroom. 

“ Well dear, has he returned yet?  It is high time you became firm with such wayward ways! ”  

“Hush, Amma. I will tell you all about it in detail tomorrow…”  

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

What if?

What if on waking in the morning

Both of us were like blank slates

Remembering nothing from the past?

 Looking at each other, like giggly teenagers

Expectant, curious, wanting to know more

About each other, excitement like on a first date

Or first night of an arranged marriage


Nothing to compare, complain of the past

Just the tingling, pulsating, thrilling present

No boredom, yawns of “Have been there, So what’s new?”


 Let’s pretend like newborns

No accusations, complaints of let downs

Of disappointments, not meeting expectations

no past or future, just the gift of present

What if? Hey what if  dear….

We could start with a clean slate once again?  

NB: This poem has been included in the International anthology "Love and Longing" featuring 123 distinguished poets from eight countries  

Friday, 7 July 2023

Travelers all of us!

Some have traveled abroad

others to different parts of the country

some within the state, 

yet others to the next district, village... 

Even if we have never traveled 

beyond place of residence 

we  still qualify as travelers

traveling from infancy, to childhood, 

then, youthhood, middle age, old age..  

We travel through our thoughts

memories, hopes, aspirations, frustrations 

our journey can be a burden, if clinging 

not letting go- of past misfortune, slights, grievances 

even when we have moved on in life

traveled long distances ...  

If remember, you must, remember the happy moments

sweet memories to cherish, uplift & raise spirits 

for travel we must, from birth to death

no option or choice there

only choice is between carrying or offloading

the burden of bitterness at each stage

Moving on, minus the baggage keeps travel

smooth, light and carefree

even when passing through difficult stages 

be it adversity, conflict or old age issues 

A traveler for life - whether happy, sad or grumpy 

depends on the mental make up, inclination

It's determined by the traveller, himself or herself! 

NB:  I recited this poem during the Seniors Today poetry meet on 7th July 2023     

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Idea of Love

Love. its meaning is so different 

for a child, a teenager, youth 

the middle aged and senior citizen  

For a child, his first love maybe chocolates

followed by love for mom and dad  

desire and longing in youth

replaced by care and support 

in the autumn years... 

Yet, the passage of time did nothing

 to modify "Conditional  love" to "unconditional  love" 

old conditions merely replaced by new ones 

as life circumstances changed


"Should always come first in class

replaced by "Study the course I choose"

unconditional love, a false hope, a mirage 

unattainable in an earthly life ! 

NB: This poem has been included in the International anthology "Love and Longing" featuring 123 distinguished poets from eight countries

Saturday, 10 June 2023


Silence, often held golden 

for introspection, meditation

searching for solace,  strength within ourselves 

Silence, the power, that keeps you sane

amongst chatter, sound and fury 

violent, explosive  discourses! 

It's silence, that enables you to listen

to the voices of nature- twittering of birds 

the waves of the ocean,  humming of a bee 

the pit pat of soothing rain...

as also the untold , unexpressed

aches of fellow human beings... 

Yet, the very silence can be a bane 

when there's a need to speak up 

when practised by a coward

to save own skin, for being evasive

when unable to face reality 

take the bull by its horns 

Used appropriately, Silence is golden 

if not, well who is it that said 

"A world is a dangerous place not because

of those who do evil,  but because of those 

who look on and do nothing."    

NB: I recited this poem during the Seniors Today poetry meet on 9th June 2023  

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is about 

stronger, more confident women!

Rather than the 'what'  perhaps

the 'How' is more important! 

Will empowerment happen

from aping the other sex

being more 'aggressive', 'demanding'  or 

by rejecting, denouncing the other sex?  

Awareness, of the root of discrimination 

is perhaps the first step, knowing 

how social conditioning, economic dependence

was all planned and implemented by patriarchy

over long periods of time...  

Enabling women, empowering women-

both  economically and socially

ensuring their autonomy and self determination 

is the key for good health, social development

of the family, the community and the country! 

Yes, empowering women is the need of the hour

for a bright, healthy, abundant tomorrow!   

NB: This poem was composed for the Asian Literary society's Asian Literary society's Annual Anthology: "ALS 2021: WOMEN" 

Sunday, 21 May 2023

An Interview for Writers' Mirror Assam, India, FB Group

I am happy to be interviewed by esteemed Poet Bipul Ch Kalita  and  featured in the "Happy Saturday with an Eminent Poet" segment of the Writers' Mirror Assam India Facebook group  and its unit Mirror’s Literary Criticism.

Bipul Ch Kalita: (BK)- Could you briefly tell us about yourself?

Rajeev Moothedath (RM) : 
I am a former corporate executive who is also a poet and writer. I retired from Hyundai Motor India Ltd from the position of AGM (HR) and is presently engaged in my twin passions of corporate training and writing poetry/ articles. I write three blogs containing poetry and prose. 
My book in prose “straight from the heart –Thoughts and experiences of an HR professional” was published in June 2015 followed by three eBooks “Corporate Poems- Straight & Simple” (on Kindle) ,  “Random Thoughts on Random words”  and “20 verses and 20 Prose Notes on 20 Lofty Topics” (Blogchatter Publications)  . An interview featuring me has been included in the reputed publication "21st century critical thought" - A dialogue with post-modern voices”.  My poems have been published in a number of national and international anthologies.

 BK: Why do you write?   

RM: If only I could answer that question in a matter-of-fact manner! A cliché answer would be “I write because I am”. It is not as if you plan and plot before writing - with intention to change the world, make a difference or tug at the heart. Some thoughts come to you and before you know it, they are converted and find a place on a sheet of paper. While an impact may or may not be made on the reader, it is not planned in advance. However, when I write prose, it is more deliberate. As for example after attending a professional HR conference, I capture on paper the main ideas and learning for the benefit of those who could not attend.     

 BK:  Who/What inspired you to be a poet?

RM: I first wrote a poem during a free period while studying in the fifth class. I cannot explain how and why it happened. Subsequently though, the poets mentioned in answer to question number no (5) could have moulded my thought process as also influenced and inspired me to write more.

BK:  How would you like to define poetry?

RM: I would like to define poetry on the lines of the great poet William Wordsworth as powerful emotions that come to you spontaneously recaptured in a calm frame of mind subsequently. (Wordsworth’s actual words were “Spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions recollected in a state of tranquillity”)

BK:  Who are the Classical, Romantic and contemporary poets that you like the most?

RM: At the outset, I would like to clarify that my love for poetry was kindled by the exposure I got and poetry that I studied from the CBSE text books at school. As I had selected English literature as one of the electives, we got to read poems, novel and plays not only in the general English class but also in the literature class. However, it is not as if I read a lot of poetry subsequently since I branched out to working in the corporate sector.

Without going into the classification, I would like to mention some of the poets whom I had loved reading namely William Wordsworth (Daffodils), Thomas Gray (Elegy written in a country churchyard), Percy Shelley (Ode to the west wind), John Keates (A Grecian urn), Alfred Lord Tennyson (Home they brought her warrior dead), Nissim Ezekiel (Night of the scorpion) and Rudyard Kipling (If)  

BK: What do you prefer- rhymes or free verse?

RM: I started out using rhymes as in those days, poetry was expected to rhyme. However, presently, I don’t pay attention to this aspect. Sometimes it rhymes, but the basic aim is to get the thought across effectively. So, the answer is there is no such preference. The poem will find its suitable form.

BK:  How does Facebook poetry differ from the others?  

RM: I am not sure about Facebook poetry being different from others. It is just that you have plenty of material in this medium without having to go in search of things to read or having to buy books. What you read there could influence the next poem you write; particularly in a situation where many groups have weekly contests requiring members to submit their poems under ‘Comment’ of the notification.

BK: Would you like to say briefly about your published books? What about your upcoming books?

RM: I have already mentioned about my books in answer to the first question while talking “Brief about myself”. Here, I would like to reiterate that I am basically a blogger. I have sufficient material in my blogs and if I wish, I can convert those into books anytime I want. To my mind, what is more important is that your writing is read. In what form and the prestige associated with it, may change with time. As for example the idea or mindset that cinema has to be released in theatres to be appreciated is being challenged by the reality of OTT platforms.

I am planning to publish a book of insightful essays on topical issues with the assistance and support of Blogchatter. Further, a book with spiritual base focusing on practical application is also on my wish list. In the long run, I would also like to publish a poetry book containing selected poems from my blog.  

BK: Please share one of your latest poems.

RM: My poems over a period of time, have tended to search for ways to live life more effectively with less hassles. It is my belief that a lot of complications in one’s life is caused by us, ourselves. This recent poem conveys similar sentiments.

Beware of Entanglement- Either this way or that way!

Something you don't like
something you don't want

someone you don't care for

some idea, ideology, that repulses you. 


All these are best handled

by not engaging with them

not thinking, reading or talking about them 


Even if you are thinking, negatively

of what you don't want

they're still the focus of your mind!  


Just keep away, ignore 

and not get entangled with

what you don't want 

entanglement, this way or the other way 

equals hobnobbing with what you don't want 

and engaging with them in your thoughts


For keeping the spirits up

for peace of mind 

keep away from the unwanted

beware of entanglements!  

BK:-Very nice poem; no doubt. Do you think that Facebook poets and their poems have been properly appreciated?

RM: As in the case of other forms of art or talents like singing, Facebook and other social media has opened up a big opportunity for getting attention, being noticed. It was a Herculean task in the pre-social media times for poets to make a mark. However, as there is a floodgate of poetry today, many poems may not be actually read or truly appreciated. Yet, clicks of ‘Like’ may give the impression that they are appreciated.

BK: How have your readers inspired you to keep writing?

RM: The expectation of the readers of my blogs for consistently writing has been a big motivation to continue writing. As for example, at one time a reader expressed his dissatisfaction when there was a gap between blogs pointing out that he had been eagerly waiting for the next.  

 BK:  Do you think that govt and non-govt organizations have done their best to promote world class literature?

RM: Frankly, I am not aware of activities for promoting literature beyond what is being done by the National book trust, established by the Government of India. NBT has many initiatives such as distributing books to school children (Samagra Shiksha Abhayan), organizing book fairs & exhibitions, organizing New Delhi world book fair, assistance to authors and publishers, promotion of children’s literature etc. A lot more could be done particularly in the area of educating and guiding future authors on the way forward and pitfalls to be avoided.

BK:  Do you think that Facebook and other social media have challenged the print media?

RM: Not yet. But who can say about the future? To my mind, rather than from an unorganized social media, the threat as of now to print media is from Kindle and other E forms of publication.

BK:  What is your opinion on the awards and certificates issued by various Facebook groups?

RM: It is certainly thrilling and motivating in the beginning to be recognized. However, when you soon realize there is no exclusiveness about it and that there are so many of such recognitions bestowed by multiple groups every week, the sheen is bound to fade.

BK:  How do you feel when you interact with the poets from different countries, specially through Facebook?

RM: It is certainly a good feeling. In fact, Facebook provides opportunity for exposure to different types and styles of writing from various countries. if used properly, we can make friends and also have appreciation of other cultures.

 BK: Do you experiment with your own poetic creations?

RM: I must confess that I have not consciously tried to experiment with the new trends of writing such as Haiku and the various hues of mini poetry. In a way, I am wary of rules bound writing. I would rather that the poems wrote themselves. (Spontaneous overflow, remember?)  sans too many restrictions.

BK: Do you think that Facebook poets have contributed in bringing peace to the war prone zones?

RM: Poets are generally drawn to noble causes and write about things that matter and touch them; so is the case with peace. As the number of poets writing on Facebook are huge their efforts certainly influence and impact the vibration of the universe. To that extent they contribute to world peace.

BK: Do you have any suggestions for our group?

RM: A thought came to my mind that since the group is connected to Assam, you could perhaps have competitive events to showcase the rich culture and traditions of the state. Perhaps apart from poetry, the group can promote writing of articles on Assamese cinema, on stalwarts like Bupen Hazarika and so on.

BK: What suggestions do you have for your co-poets?

RM: In the times that we presently live in, there is a pressure to compare and contrast. There is a need to get more likes, more certificates and more awards. In such a scenario, it is natural to be discouraged or have feelings of “not being enough”. Therefore, it is important to not fall into the trap of comparison. Writing authentically, what comes naturally from the heart instead of going after what gets you ‘Likes’ is the key. I wish all my fellow poets a very creative and fulfilling poetic journey! 

BK:- Thank you, dear Sir, for responding to my questionnaire so earnestly and preciously. I hope we will meet here on this platform with some more important literary topics for discussion. I wish you a great literary career ahead.
RM: Thanks a lot Bipulji! Enjoyed every moment of our interaction.