Thursday 25 June 2020

We are all in it Together

In a Facebook literary group, a friend Sundar Rajan  posted  this picture.  He sought poems from members based on the picture. This is what I came up with ..

The schools have not opened yet. But this is written  visualizing a future scenario when we decide that we will have to live with the virus and  permit physical attendance of students at schools.

Off to school

I am the eldest

That’s me just behind papa!


I know, I know, social distancing

Traffic rules, other issues

Your rebuking eyes say it all !

But papa just lost his job

He can’t afford better

Feels , of public transport, the less said the better!


Our papa dear, is clear

Whatever the obstacles

No missing of classes!  

No compromise whatever

On school matters...


So here we are, off to school

Yes, Perhaps, one too many

Yet, in these tough times

We stick together

We are all in it together

Each one for one another! 

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  1. Thank you for responding to this post. Yes, most of India is relected here.

  2. Each one for one another... Nice thought :)

  3. Thank you Ira Mishra. Happy you liked the thought!

  4. Strange and trying times, indeed. :-|

  5. Yes, Thank you for responding to this post Divya!

  6. Sad reality of most of our country. They can't even afford social distancing.
    I love the last lines, “We are all in it together
    Each one for one another!”
