Wednesday 16 December 2020

Intention to Reality

When man started out 
to make the world a better place 
armed with the new tools of engineering 
science, technology, entrepreneurship 
he thought he was doing
the world a favour... 

Years later, we now know 
his contribution is more 
to the disruption of biodiversity
resulting in  problems of habitat loss, 
climate disruption, air pollution
global warming, water pollution 

Greed had long consumed initial intentions
of making world a better place
it was all about the need for wealth 
possessions, image, status 
meaning change in focus to competition 
shareholder interests, extraction, optimization 
biodiversity, universal well being be damned! 

Burying your head in the sand 
outright denial, defensiveness, take you nowhere 
quick action on natural resource conservation 
recycling waste, reusing things  
avoiding use of paper to save trees 
supporting environment friendly practices 
 are all the need of the hour! 

It's all about acting now
before it is too late
yes, Act fast or perish!       


  1. If people don't act, the cosmos will. The current pandemic is just a warning.
