Sunday 23 August 2020


If not used appropriately, in correct dozes
at the right time, a weapon
doesn't work, proves ineffective
and is as good as useless!

Let's take the case of a cane
used by father, teacher to beat a child
when used sparingly, it works as deterrent
if not. the child stretches his hand nonchalantly
"So go ahead, have your fun
his mocking eyes and grin seem to say!

The same is true of strikes
and lock outs, declared  in factories
at the drop of a hat!
The fear disappears
when it is an everyday affair!

Spouses learn to their peril
 that using 'denial of sex' as weapon
backfires when used frequently
the other finds alternative
or learns to live without it
after all, it's not the end of the world!

The   'BrahmaAstra' or the ultimate weapon is to be used
only as last option
when all other weapons have failed! 

NB: I recited this poem during the 3rd Dignagar Online International English Poetry Festival on August 23rd 2020 in which renowned poets from India and the world participated       

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