Monday 4 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 4 Delight

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 4    Delight  

Delighting in the good, no matter where and to whom it happened

ignoring the evil,  not dwelling on it to give it power 

is perhaps the sure fire way to be happy, peaceful, contented

so delight in  neighbor's son gaining admission to IIM , victory of a sports champ

anything, so long as the front page of mind is always in delight! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.


  1. Hari OM
    Durable indeed, the benefit of Delight for Delight's sake! So enjoying these stanzas from you, sir. YAM xx

  2. My neighbour's victory is mine too in a way. Great minds know that.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the subject!

  3. Spot the good things around you and ignore the sure way to feel delighted.
    Perfect recipe 👌

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thought on the subject!

  4. Fantastic. Enjoy the beauty in the beast.
