Tuesday 19 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 16 Patient ( Patient Vs Respant)

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 16 Patient ( Patient Vs Respant)

When it comes to illness and wellness, do not be the 'typicalpatient

resigned,  passing on  all decision making powers to doctor/care givers

advises Dr Siegel, author of "Love, Medicine and Miracles" 

Be an active Respant (Responsible participant)  instead-  learning more about problem

asking questions, actively participating in the healing!  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. https://www.theblogchatter.com


  1. Really, it's good to be a Respant than a drained patient.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the subject!
