Saturday, 30 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 26 Zenith

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 


Day 25  Zenith   

It's all very well to aim for the Zenith, the highest point

yet, in the absence of fundamentals, may tumble down like a pack of cards

being grounded, having one's head on ones's shoulders

and legs firmly on the ground helps 

even as we aim, work for and reach the Zenith...

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Friday, 29 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 25 Yellow- Positive

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'

Day 24 Yellow- Positive

Edward de Bono, the creator would say that his Six  thinking hats, with colours

White(data), Red (intuition), Yellow (positive), Black (critical), Green (creativity), Blue (overview)

all be used in a balance, harmonious manner for best results...

yet given the human tendency, particularly these days to latch on to the black hat

I would err on the side of the Yellow- focus little more on positive aspects of things! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 24 x-ray

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'   

Day 24 x-ray

X- ray provides us good support in treatment

helps find out areas of ailment for corrective measures

If only we had similar equipment to identify thought errors 

we could turn thoughts of hatred, resentment, jealousy , anxiety

to positive, healing ones- Healthy mind ensures healthy body as well!  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 23 Winning

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'   

 Day 23  Winning  

Let us win over ourselves, win over our own thoughts & mind 

before we set out to win over others

In the process, we may learn some home truths about winning 

that it's not about subjugation, overpowering others 

but winning them over with the persuasive power of love & compassion  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Monday, 25 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 22 Valiant

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 22 Valiant

"The valiant tastes of death but once" wrote the great dramatist

such courage is possible only from a total absence of fear

antidote to fear is the emotion at the other end of continuum- Love

Love coupled with the blessings of the 'higher power'

ensures you remain valiant in all situations, at all times!  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

लम्बा सफर

हज़ारों मील के सफर  - बेंगलुरु से सिडनी,  के बाद 

मैं अपने पोता  से मिला, पहला बार 

सफर की थकान, हवाई अड्डा प्रणाली की तकलीफ

 सब भूल गए मासूम चेहरा, देखते ही 

 उसका कोमल माथा चूमते ही ...

इस सफर  तो संपन्न हुआ 

पर यात्रायें और भी होंगे 

सोचे तो ,पूरा जीवन हम 

एक  सफर से  दूसरा सफर,

 चलते रहने वाले , कठपुतलियाँ  है न ? 

दौड़ते रहेंगे  हम,  झेलते रहेंगे हम  

अंतिम सफर तक, जिस की  मंज़िल   

न तुम जानो या  मैं... 

राजीव मूतेडत   

NB इस कविता को मै  "Poetry for seniors today"  मंच पर  प्रस्तुत किया था |   (in April 2022)

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 21 Understanding

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 21 Understanding

Understanding comes with willingness

one needs to care enough to listen, appreciate

slip into another's-  his/her shoes 

willing not to be rigid,  stubborn in your own views

And then, perhaps 'understanding' will blossom, provide mutual happiness... 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.


Friday, 22 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners Day 20 Trust

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  


Day 20 Trust

In a moral science class, in grade four or was it five

I remember learning about trust, supported with apt picture

a father asks son perched on a height  to jump into his outstretched arms

without even  thinking, the little one jumps into safe hands of his father

Now that is trust! Here, being trustworthy is the key, what say you?  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.


Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 19 Sleep

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

 Day 19 Sleep

In the fast paced, complex world of modern times

the easiest, yet dangerous option is to compromise on sleep 

importance of diet, exercise, entertainment is in your face

easier to understand but sleep seemingly a soft target, can be crucial

lot of repair work happens during sleep-  determines quality of life, why life itself ! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.


Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 18 Religion

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'    

Day 18  Religion   

Underlying principles, the nuts & bolts

of all religions is love and compassion

yet, in the hands of the wrong people - it can spur differences, ego, hatred, violence

Like the knife in the hands of a rowdy is a tool to kill

but the same in the hands of a surgeon, is a tool for healing.... 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.


Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 17 Quotes

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 17 Quotes  

If you have an eye and ear for quotes of great souls

life can be a lot easier- Quotes like "Be the change you want to see in the world"

"Smile is the most important thing you wear"

or "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent"

can all serve as guiding lights in the dark...Haven in a hapless world 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 16 Patient ( Patient Vs Respant)

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 16 Patient ( Patient Vs Respant)

When it comes to illness and wellness, do not be the 'typicalpatient

resigned,  passing on  all decision making powers to doctor/care givers

advises Dr Siegel, author of "Love, Medicine and Miracles" 

Be an active Respant (Responsible participant)  instead-  learning more about problem

asking questions, actively participating in the healing!  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 15 Open Minded

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 15:  Open Minded

Being exposed to only one view point, Not keeping one's mind open

listening only to what you already believe , Shutting out all other narratives

is seemingly very comforting, giving a feeling of being on top-  Beware! 

may end up like one of  the four blind men,  who having touched just one part of whole  

believed that he alone knew how an elephant looked like! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 14 Natural

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 13 Natural

When you are natural, you are at ease

things happen spontaneously

no need to pretend, play act

project yourself as someone else 

Haven't we heard "Naturally, easily, effortlessly"?  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 13 Money

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 13  Money

Money, money, money -  a concept often misunderstood 

evoking strong attraction at one end and utter distaste at the other

yet, money an energy which by itself  has nothing good or bad about it 

Like any energy, it needs to flow freely,  in a balanced manner

neither hoarding/ concentration or indulgence does energy any good!   

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 12 Love

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 12 Love

When discussing love, people talk a lot these days

of  'Unconditional Love'- some say it's a mirage 

something fantasized, never attained 

yet, when you stop thinking, give up on 'my' and 'mine' feelings

heart opens to universe, with  unconditional love for anything and everything.... 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 11 Karma

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 11 Karma

Do not fear Karma, nor pooh pooh it

to the extent of  declaring "I just don't care.."

and give in to indulgences and cruelty

just be sufficiently aware so as to not take

two steps forward and then four steps backward! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 10 Jack of all Trades

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Do not fret, worry that you are only a jack

and not a master of anything

everything, every scenario has its own place and relevance

while the specialist knows more and more of less and less

it is variety that is the spice of life- Isn't it? 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Ideal Mate


In a college hostel for girls

discussion was on as to the 'ideal mate'

different expectations were shared

looks, strength, loving nature....   

Then spoke a girl who 

instead of sharing expectations said

" One day, I will have mine

a partner to marry and love

and then I will love him so much

so much, as to suffocate him with love 

totally helpless, totally dependent on me

eating out of my hand...."   

It's when love is confused with other needs

that you deny space, not give room to your mate

to breathe on his/her own...

before long, the partners becomes so stifled

that the courageous say good bye...

As for the others, they are destined to be puppies

on a leash for life...

NB: I recited  this poem at the Vijayawada poetic prism 2021 on 10th April 2022

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 9 Inspiration

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 9 Inspiration

Inspired we must be, if we were not to merely

go through the motion of life, mechanically

eat, work, sleep, procreate- in short just exist

inspiring words? going back to nature? learning something new? meditating?

what's your individual trigger for that spark in life?-  Find it and Go for it!  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Friday, 8 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 8 Hilarious

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 8    Hilarious   

Evidence is right there, in our face

that laughter, humour is the best medicine 

an antidote to loneliness, disease, unhappiness

So what are we waiting for? Let's search for

and embrace hilarious situations that life throws up! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 7 God

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 7  God   

Call 'God' by any name- use substitutes

if not fashionable to use the word anymore

it still is understood  universally, in any part of the world

to denote the higher power, guiding light 

for contentment, peace and tranquility 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 6 Fresh

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 6  Fresh  

Isn't it time to examine- take a fresh look at life?

how much longer will we keep doing the same things

again and again to get the same results?

looking at things afresh may provide insights for better living

could also answer deeper questions like "What's the purpose of my life?" 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 5 Ethereal

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:'  

Day 5   Ethereal  

Some things just cannot coexist with the ethereal

like crudeness in language, physical, mental violence

open your window to aesthetics- Love for art, poetry, music, culture 

then the mundane, fear based survival instincts

gets replaced by deeper, true to life ethereal matters...

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Monday, 4 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 4 Delight

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 4    Delight  

Delighting in the good, no matter where and to whom it happened

ignoring the evil,  not dwelling on it to give it power 

is perhaps the sure fire way to be happy, peaceful, contented

so delight in  neighbor's son gaining admission to IIM , victory of a sports champ

anything, so long as the front page of mind is always in delight! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 3 Compassion

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning, no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary, "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 3     Compassion   

It is the loss of compassion that has 

brought us to the sad state we are in today! 

uncaring and unwilling to step into another's shoes 

to feel, understand their woes, the root cause of problem 

open up to compassion and presto! - Life is joyful once again! 

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 2 Bliss

Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary,  "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 2     Bliss

How much longer will we -  me, you, all of us 

continue searching, looking for it all over the place, outside ?

when all we need to do is feel the divine bliss deep inside

as we  experience  the deep connect with all beings, universe 

what, to each his/her own time you say? - I agree...  

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

Friday, 1 April 2022

Blogchatter A2Z 2022 - Fine Thought Five Liners : Day 1 Aspiration

 Preamble:  I participated in the A2Z challenge 2021 on the theme "Random Thoughts on Random words" wherein I wrote an article each day on a random subject starting with the specific alphabet . Since it is expected to be more challenging this year as I would be travelling, I have decided to write  everyday short 'Five liners" on similar lines but  with a twist that they would be providing some insight into life in general and the focus would be on  "Fine Thoughts" meaning no dwelling on negativity or pessimism.  According to  the dictionary,  "Fine" means   'Superior',  'high grade choice', 'excellent', or 'admirable:' 

Day 1   Aspiration 

Not bogged down by the ups and downs 

of day to day life- who is free of them? 

let us aspire to soar above them , obstacles

surely, for the willing and determined 

the sky is the limit....

NB: I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z challenge.