Saturday 31 October 2020

Robots in Human Forms

Robots in human forms
are on the increase
they have long lost
the ability to think  

Poor things, have become like this
key wound puppets of yore 
or programmed modern ones, who
just keep repeating the same lines  

Can never change positions
based on the light of new facts 
analyse, interpret or introspect
lost that ability long ago ..

After all, they are merely automated attendants
in the interactive voice response (IVR) 
mouthing lines of their ideology, party, other rigid
forums to which they have succumbed 

They now have neither the will or desire 
to climb out of the deep pit 
It is total surrender and submission...


  1. This is one of the maladies of today: people have given up their personalities and become mere puppets.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on te subject!
