Thursday 23 July 2020

A Whale of a Wave

In a Facebook literary group, a friend Sundar Rajan  posted  this picture.  He sought poems from members based on the picture. This is what I came up with ..

I watched from the sidelines
as little boys ran after little waves 
and then ran back when they returned to the shore 

A little distance away, bigger boys ventured farther 
to challenge the bigger waves 
they  wanted to show off 
let people know  how courageous they are
no longer the little boys chasing small waves...  

Then came this magnificent, giant wave 
mesmerizing in its beauty 
even I wanted to feel it 
on my body and soul 
and simply merge with it into eternity... 

As the oblivious me walked towards it 
wife jerked me out of the trance
"What are you doing
you don't even know swimming!" 
somehow, at that moment nothing seemed to matter
except merging into that magnificent whale of a wave....

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