Friday 17 January 2020


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The little boy loved flowers
he loved them all- pink, white, red, blue, indigo
seeing his excitement, his parents began
to give him a bouquet  everyday
with lovely, fragrant assortment of flowers.

Initially, he jumped with joy
caressed each flower, kissed them
soon he began to take the bouquet for granted
when father/mother gave it in the morning
he mechanically smelled and tossed it to one side

Some time later, a grandpa like figure visited
said he would live with them for some time
he liked only roses- chided everyone
for including other flowers in bouquet
began to throw away all flowers, other than roses
one by one...

The size of the bouquet shrunk
soon, the bouquet had only roses
the boy began to miss  his multicoloured  flowers
longed for the white, blue, green, yellow
and its various shades that he had loved so much!

Soon the bouquet even had less roses
the pale ones were out as grandpa didn't like those
Will it end up as two, one  and no more a bouquet?
the boy wondered...
Perhaps he will get back his rich bouquet
once the visitor left?- No signs of his leaving though..
perhaps he will never ever leave!

Boy cried into his pillow..
if he ever got back his bouquet
of assorted beauty, unique, grand, each flower
he wouldn't take them for granted
every single day, he promised
he would embrace bouquet tight
every single day, as if his life depended on it....


  1. The adult's desire for neatness and trimness is not always quite sanguine.

  2. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on the subject. I was also trying to draw attention in the poem to the fact that 'sameness' can be regressive and that its variety, whether in respect of flowers, places or people that makes life colourful and exciting to live.

  3. Some visitors have a big effect on our lives.
    Appreciation and gratitude is really important. We miss what we don't have!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment going into the essence of the post.

  4. The message has been very well conveyed. Lovely post sir.

  5. Thank you so much Abhishek! So happy you liked the post.
