Wednesday 15 March 2017

Bouquets and brickbats

Life as we know it
Is a mix of happiness and sorrow
of pluses and minuses
of hopes and disappointments
of bouquets and brickbats!

To remind us of this fact
during the Indian festival, Makara Sankranti
People exchange food treats
that are both sweet and  bitter
modern man though wants only the limelight
he wants Bouquets & Bouquets alone all the time…

So even the occasional, yet inevitable
 brickbat is unnerving, unsettling
and painful enough for a
360-degree U-turn & withdrawal into one’s shell…

The better way perhaps is equanimity
in handling life, taking it casually as it comes
not unduly elated or distressed
either by the bouquets or the brickbats!


  1. सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ (equanimity in joy and sorrow, gain and loss, victory and defeat).

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject.

  3. You have beautifully said it, particularly in your last stanzas.

  4. Equanimity is so hard to come by. More so when society wants us to be critical and not passive. But we cannot give positive feedback and end up destroying the receiver.

  5. Thank you so much Jamshed.Happy you liked the post!
