Saturday, 30 November 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Many years ago in the then India
Shankar, the cartoonist
Could make fun of anyone including
the PM in his cartoons

Today-an artist, cartoonist beware
Thou could be hounded, put behind bars
forced to leave and die in another land
If annoying the law makers, the politicians
Or the  organised touchy sensitive citizens
 of modern India!

 We claim  progress; we claim growth
have big shopping malls
 latest cars and gadgets
are connected to
the whole world through internet

yet the irony is...
with each passing day
more intolerant has India  become
the  people  can't speak their mind
can't express dissent
another point of view

Is this progress?
Is this success?
 With passage of  time,are we going backwards
instead of forward
with new generations  enjoying less freedom of expression
than their ancestors........

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The One of My Dreams (18/9/1981)

Always Smiles
Hardly a groan
Not a doll

Looks an ingredient
not product itself
Ah I have erred
in calling product
for the one I have in mind
is far from dumb
"My dream" can cut beyond
cosmetics and wardrobe

The one of my dreams
my dream itself
is sure of self
and has no games to play
nor any need for them

Qualities unique
to the kind are retained
no efforts at aping
or denouncing the other kind
Neither demanding
nor interfering
Just living and let living
is the girl of my dreams

Friday, 1 November 2013

इंतज़ार ( March 1975 )

क्या भारत एक दिन संपन्न था ?
बहुतायत से अति धन्य था ?
शिक्षा में संस्कार में दुनिया में प्रथम था ?

सुना है महान सम्राटों के
शासन में  अनुशाशन था
शान्ति और कीर्ति हमारी
देश  विदेश में प्रसिद्ध थी 

क्या लौट आयेगा वे  सुन्हेरे दिन 
जब दुनिया को फिर से हम , नेतृत्व दे 
लेकिन यह  इंतज़ार कब तक ?
काली दाढ़ी बन रही  है सफ़ेद! 

पूर्ण ( 6/10/1981 )

तेरे बिना भी जी लूँगा
मुस्कुराकर  हँस लूँगा
मगर उस हँसी
उस मुस्कराहट
पूर्ण न होती  तेरे बिना

अगर तू होती, तो बढ़ती ख़ुशी
और मज़ा होती जीने में
ज़यादा मीठा और प्यारा होता
अगर तू भी होती मेरे साथ

कलम और स्याही
जैसे हम दोनों
को जीना है प्रिये
आ जाओ
भर दे अपने कलम को
और लिख दे हमारे जीवन को