Friday 13 January 2023

In Search of Misery

Lot of advice these days 

to dwell on the positive 

yet, many just can't  do it

busy as they are chasing miseries! 

Always on the look out for 'slights' 

real or imaginary, from someone or the other 

believing the whole world 

has ganged up to insult them!  

No wonder, all this 

given the injurious mental food

stark negativity, consumed day after day 

from social media and other media 

like the Indian TV mega serials 

where family members are plotting, spewing venom 

itching to see the downfall of their own! 

Discontinuing this habitual search for misery

keeping away from negative serials, people, movies 

perhaps an important way forward, to turn the tide

But then do you want a change? or are you secretly

happy with the familiar, habitual miserable self?

content playing victim, having someone to blame,

find fault with for all your miseries....   

I recited the poem during the Kavyakaumudi International Multi lingual poet's online meet in April 2023.