Monday 5 September 2022

Huge wholesome Dream

I dream, you dream,

we all dream 

yet our dreams so different

some so narrow- dreams for just

self and immediate environs 

Other dreams a little wider

encompassing welfare of the village

state, nation or region

when will the dreams though 

merge so as to encompass everyone

and not be in conflict with one another?  

When will all dreams 

of the entire world

be in harmony 

when dream of one does not mean 

disaster for another..?

Like when a country attacks another 

for territory, establish superiority

to cause physical destruction 

and loss of  precious lives 

dream of one fulfilled at the expense

of shattered dreams of million others!  

How about a huge wholesome dream 

encompassing dreams, aspirations of everyone 

when, even when you dream 

and do things for your benefit 

it benefits other people as well 

Like a realized dream of scientific invention

bringing fame to you, relief to mankind

fulfilled entrepreneur dream 

 providing  accomplishment to you

 and jobs to many 

wholesome dreams, not in conflict

 but complementing each other

May the humans of future, live lives

they were meant to live 

may they have wholesome dreams

be happy and merge into the happiness

of all living beings...

NB:   This poem has been included in the anthology "Dream poetry-Restore space" brought out by the Soul Scribers Society during the Yercaud poetry Fest.


  1. One man's dream is another's disaster. That's a lovely line.

  2. Thank you for reading and responding to the post!
