Saturday, 2 January 2021

On the Eternal Journey

Been watching quite a few videos of late

of near death experiences

what they had to say of life beyond

of meeting friends, relatives who went earlier

who  revealed  that concerns , worries priorities

on earth were petty, trivial, even laughable


That we take many births

travel across territories

across landscapes,

climates, lifestyles, and being man or woman 

Biggest reassurance of all

was that there was nothing to worry

to fear hell, torture, burning or freezing

it is just about learning, being a better being


So then what are we fighting about? Being chauvinistic about?

you could be exactly in my shoes tomorrow

though you may mock and desist me today! 


So beings of the world hold hands, love not hate

we are all in the same journey, in the same boat

aspiring to be better and better versions of ourselves!  

NB: Another interesting thought is of time not being linear and of lives going on (including our lives ) simultaneously in different time zones 


  1. Life is a process of learning. I too believe that and follow that principle. I take everything as a lesson.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the subject.
