Captivating Lines from here and there- 24
- A promise is an agreement we make with the world. A commitment is an agreement we make with ourselves- Shiv Khera, Motivational Speaker
- A true artist doesn't really care about whether there is anyone who can create as well as or better than he. He is too busy expressing himself purely for the purpose of expressing- Anita Moorjani, Author of the book "Dying to be me"
- Definition of Good Health: Having no fatigue, having a good appetite, going to sleep and awakening easily, having a good memory, not being clumsy, being honest, humble, grateful and loving. How healthy are you?- Louise Hay, metaphysical healer and Author
- In the grand scheme, being right is insignificant compared with being happy. Stop attaching so much weight to being right- Dr Deepak Chopra
- Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die- Buddha
- The antidote to loneliness is to be prepared to connect with anyone. Open your eyes to the wealth of people- Dalai Lama
- We don't need time management. What we need is time revolution. We need to spend more time on most of what we consider valuable - Richard Koch, Management books Author
- Men will argue because they do not feel trusted, admired or encouraged and are not spoken to with a tone of trust and acceptance. Women will argue because they are not listened to or not put high on a man's list of priorities - John Gray, Author
- Those who seek, knock at the gate. Those who love find it open- Rabindranath Tagore
- A person convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still- Benjamin Franklin, US scientist, inventor, politician
Thank you Aryavarth! Happy you liked the quotes.