Children had left for school, spouse for the office
Having applied leave for the day, she was free to ponder
Introspect on life thus far, which on a regular
routine day was a luxury amidst the pressure & chaos
As she watched the people passing by
Urgency and even worry writ on the faces of some
She was glad that for this day she had given
A holiday to worries and sorrows
With a calm free mind, she would look
At her relationships, her work, life priorities
Are they on rail or too far off the track?
What course correction at this stage of life
Would make the difference between a
Life going through the motions
And one fulfilling and satisfying?
In the evening when the children returned
From school and spouse from office
She was all smiles- Hadn’t taken so much
Time as she had expected
She had got answers to all the questions
Plaguing her mind for a week
The mind was now calm and clear With the future appearing bright, sunny and serene…
NB: This poem was composed for the Million Muse FB Group's February Month poetry contest ( on prompt picture) and won a Gold Award.