Thursday, 13 March 2025

Pensive Moments


She has assigned today for herself, to spend time with self

Children had left for school, spouse for the office

Having applied leave for the day, she was free to ponder

Introspect on life thus far, which on a regular

routine day was a luxury amidst the pressure & chaos

As she watched the people passing by

Urgency and even worry writ on the faces of some

She was glad that for this day she had given

A holiday to worries and sorrows

With a calm free mind, she would look

At her relationships, her work, life priorities

Are they on rail or too far off the track?

What course correction at this stage of life

Would make the difference between a

Life going through the motions

And one fulfilling and satisfying?

In the evening when the children returned

From school and spouse from office

She was all smiles- Hadn’t taken so much

Time as she had expected

She had got answers to all the questions

Plaguing her mind for a week

The mind was now calm and clear With the future appearing bright, sunny and serene…

NB: This poem was composed for the Million Muse FB Group's February Month poetry contest ( on prompt picture) and won a Gold Award.  

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

In Search of Sunrise

He had come to the southernmost tip 

fleeing from a host of fears, anxieties 

daunting challenges of day -to -day life 

Many others had come too- to experience 

the multi coloured soil, the natural beauty 

the Vivekananda rock memorial

the sight and sound of the ocean 

It was almost a week now...

He felt calmed, yet not confident enough 

to return to the whirlpool of life's taxing demands 

It was then that he heard

a mock fight between a young couple 

debating whether the rising sun or the setting sun 

was more arresting, more captivating...  

The rising sun, one argued 

was not just feast for the eyes alone...

the hues of gold are a symbol of renewal and hope 

it's a promise of a fresh beginning 

a call to leave behind the shadows of yesterday 

Embrace the exciting opportunities of a new day 

a metaphor for rebirth, it reminds you

"No matter how dark the night, the sun will rise again" 

Protagonist got up and walked 

leaving the young couple behind 

for him, the clarity had come  

He was now ready to go back 

to face the world with new confidence, new vigour

The debate and the sight of the magnificent sunrise 

had done the trick....