Thursday, 3 August 2023

Children- The Little Angels

Preamble: The ALS Performing Arts Face Book Group during a weekly challenge gave us the theme of "Children" for singing a song. I chose a lovely and  powerful lyric penned by renowned poet Sahir Ludhyanwi and set to tune by ace music Director Ravi from the Hindi movie "Do Kaliyan". For the benefit of readers who are not familiar with Hindi, I have loosely translated the lines to English.

Little children. truthful in heart and mind 

Loved by the entire world 

They are sweet little flowers

loved, held close by God supreme 


When they get upset,

They quickly come out of it too

Become friends again with

one they fought, a minute ago

No dislike for anyone, no one an enemy, stranger

Their innocence, greets everyone with open arms…


So long as human is a child, rest assured

they are clean and true at heart

It’s as they grow in age that

Mind gets tainted with lies

Temper rises, hatred surrounds, greed enters

In childhood, saved from these sins

Children live a happy, joyful life…


Soft in body, beautiful in mind

Children, lot better than adults

They don’t practice false discrimination

Based on caste, colour, creed or race

No confrontation based on language

Nor huge walls built on religion

In their eyes, a temple, Masjid, Gurudwara

or church are all one!