Silence, often held golden
for introspection, meditation
searching for solace, strength within ourselves
Silence, the power, that keeps you sane
amongst chatter, sound and fury
violent, explosive discourses!
It's silence, that enables you to listen
to the voices of nature- twittering of birds
the waves of the ocean, humming of a bee
the pit pat of soothing rain...
as also the untold , unexpressed
aches of fellow human beings...
Yet, the very silence can be a bane
when there's a need to speak up
when practised by a coward
to save own skin, for being evasive
when unable to face reality
take the bull by its horns
Used appropriately, Silence is golden
if not, well who is it that said
"A world is a dangerous place not because
of those who do evil, but because of those
who look on and do nothing."
NB: I recited this poem during the Seniors Today poetry meet on 9th June 2023