Saturday, 29 February 2020


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You are very reluctant to smile
it doesn't matter whether it's Ego's doing
or shyness is the culprit
fact is observers conclude
you are an "unfriendly bloke
who rarely smile...."

So go ahead and do it
it exercises more muscles than a frown
just smile more and more
fake it till you make it! 

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Irony (2020)

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Plotting, planning, indulging 
in arson, massacre, murder
of innocent people
all in the name of religion   

Strange, they aren't conscious
of the central tenet of 
the very religion, as they indulge 

"Karma"-  the whole world 
knows its implications....

Saturday, 22 February 2020

What is your Driver?

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Of the many on planet Earth, living their lives
some are 'inner directed'
while most are 'other directed'
they need and seek approval
for every action they do
spend most of the time wondering
whether others respect, love them! 

The 'other directed', collect things
hoping for other's appreciation
are easily affected by body shaming
swayed by criticism, praise....

The 'inner directed' on the other hand
draw their self-esteem from within
it is inner voice that guides them
to feel good, to do or not to do
criticism and praise be damned!

A big threat though is the social media
luring the once 'inner directed'
to hanker after 'Likes' and "Wows'

Restoring balance, being open to inner direction
is the only sure way to tranquility and happiness!  

NB: This poem has been included in the anthology released during the Prime International Poetry Festival organised on 16th Feb 2020 at Mannarkad , Kerala. 

Friday, 14 February 2020

If only...

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This poem is a translation of my poem in Hindi titled "काश."

If only 'these traitors'
hadn't made so much noise over rape incidents
the good name of our nation
wouldn't  have been sullied, internationally

If only the youngsters did not use Uber/Ola
and instead bought new cars for travel
the sales of auto sector wouldn't have
come down so badly

If only the common man
ate less 'onions' or not eaten it at all
like our dear Finance minister
so much of hue & cry
wouldn't have happened over 'trivial matters'

If only the average citizen
focused less on ordinary issues
like inflation,unemployment, Eco slowdown
farmer distress and the like
and stressed more on nation, nationality and national pride
Bharat's place would have been very high
in the comity of nations! 

If only...

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Blind Worship

Die hard fans of film stars, politicians, cult figures
over a period, get brainwashed
fawn over every word of their 'Hero'
believe their 'deity' could do no wrong!

Everything they do, even the wrong
very wrong things like drunken driving
or "Drunk with power" actions
obvious to everyone else as 'Faulty'
are all lapped up, justified by the 'crazy' 'loony' fans

Are the ones with cult status
commanding sheepish, 'sheep like' following
really blessed, fortunate, very lucky in life?
well history tells us otherwise!

The cult like figures, exceeding brief
history reminds us
came to very sorry, tragic ends! 
all that glitters is not gold!