Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Breezing Beyond Borders

Gentle breeze, breezed through the land of Himals/ranges

Sagarmatha, Annapurna and many more..

then, went far beyond,  oblivious of borders 

be it  India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China or Bhutan

borders that are sacrosanct only to the puny humans...

The breeze could only see simalarities

in fauna, flora, agricultural pursuits 

the embrace of nature and happiness writ 

on the faces of people, coexisting in harmony  

So much in common between people 

cultural ethos, values of right and wrong

food choices, seeing the guest / "Athiti"

as God, to be welcomed with open arms... 

Moving on in its journey, a gentle prayer

emnated from the breeze- "May this lovely region

retain, the innocence, simplicity 

 lost to an extent by modern world exposure 

May they continue to live in love, peace  harmony 

in line with the glorious heritage!  

NB: This poem was written for and published in the anthology "Global Rhythms"     

A unique Friendship

Friends since time immemorial…

Two neighbouring nations, Nepal & India,

Sharing borders, having common languages

Nepali, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Hindi, Avadhi & more


Even as status changed for both, from

Princely states/ Himalayan kingdom to free republics,

the goodwill, friendship survived, thrived…

With common thread of culture and tradition


The wise one born in Lumbini, Nepal

Enlightened in Bodh Gaya, India

Binding two nations spiritually

As does the common Hindu traditions

Rituals, customs,  way of life…


Even  when, skirmishes at times between neighbours

A common heritage, binds and sustains the friendship

Overriding differences, aberration        

For this fondness, attachment

Between the two nations

Is time tested, enduring, unique

A friendship, one of its kind!  

NB: This poem was written for and published in the anthology "Global Rhythms"  

                                                           Please click on video

Friday, 21 March 2025

Poetry, Peace and Inclusiveness


At a time when there is a maximum amount of conflict

At a time when non inclusiveness is at its zenith

We talk of peace and inclusiveness

And expect poets to do the job!

The dark clouds are above, not just over one nation

But many all over the world

It’s said that when the people are ready, the leader appears

So all over the world, we now have heads of state

Who claim they will make their own country, great again

And to hell with all others, to the environment or human values!

Tall claims by autocrats, not necessarily translated on ground

Seemingly they don’t care either, so long as they have power

And a large number of brainwashed, cultist followers

For whom empty slogans, would suffice to keep them yoked!

As for poets, not everyone with a gift of the word

can be hailed as poets, those that bat for status quo

praise the king for graces or tokens of favour

these specimens weak- kneed and self-seeking

are long forgotten, obliterated from the pages of history!

The real poets though, courageous and willing

To defend and write on their conviction can indeed

Make a difference for peace, inclusiveness and many more

For after all, these noble souls operate from the heart, not the head!

NB: This poem was composed and recited during the Seniors Today online poetry meet on the occasion of the World Poetry Day on 21/3/2025. (Theme: Poetry as bridge for peace and inclusiveness) 

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Pensive Moments


She has assigned today for herself, to spend time with self

Children had left for school, spouse for the office

Having applied leave for the day, she was free to ponder

Introspect on life thus far, which on a regular

routine day was a luxury amidst the pressure & chaos

As she watched the people passing by

Urgency and even worry writ on the faces of some

She was glad that for this day she had given

A holiday to worries and sorrows

With a calm free mind, she would look

At her relationships, her work, life priorities

Are they on rail or too far off the track?

What course correction at this stage of life

Would make the difference between a

Life going through the motions

And one fulfilling and satisfying?

In the evening when the children returned

From school and spouse from office

She was all smiles- Hadn’t taken so much

Time as she had expected

She had got answers to all the questions

Plaguing her mind for a week

The mind was now calm and clear With the future appearing bright, sunny and serene…

NB: This poem was composed for the Million Muse FB Group's February Month poetry contest ( on prompt picture) and won a Gold Award.  

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

In Search of Sunrise

He had come to the southernmost tip 

fleeing from a host of fears, anxieties 

daunting challenges of day -to -day life 

Many others had come too- to experience 

the multi coloured soil, the natural beauty 

the Vivekananda rock memorial

the sight and sound of the ocean 

It was almost a week now...

He felt calmed, yet not confident enough 

to return to the whirlpool of life's taxing demands 

It was then that he heard

a mock fight between a young couple 

debating whether the rising sun or the setting sun 

was more arresting, more captivating...  

The rising sun, one argued 

was not just feast for the eyes alone...

the hues of gold are a symbol of renewal and hope 

it's a promise of a fresh beginning 

a call to leave behind the shadows of yesterday 

Embrace the exciting opportunities of a new day 

a metaphor for rebirth, it reminds you

"No matter how dark the night, the sun will rise again" 

Protagonist got up and walked 

leaving the young couple behind 

for him, the clarity had come  

He was now ready to go back 

to face the world with new confidence, new vigour

The debate and the sight of the magnificent sunrise 

had done the trick....

Friday, 28 February 2025

Reclaiming Humanity

Humanity is understood less and less 

By the humans of the 21st century

Compassion and empathy, the true essence of humanity

Given a go by , by today's humans 

Who are too busy running to stay in the same place 

Boundaries, walls and borders made by stupid humans 

Are easily crossed over by the joyful birds 

Who would find, odd and strange the working of human mind 

were  they capable to read or access it 

A mind filled with hate, hostility and wickedness 

Seeing all others outside their artificial borders as "Enemies" 

for engaging in mindless wars!  

Humans have forgotten priorities like pursuing a meaning in life

Through philosophy, true religious teaching, self reflection 

 Exploring, inventing and creating , no longer a priority

Where is the time for innovation & creativity when 

all focus is on self preservation & self aggrandizement ? 

The future though can only get better from here 

Humanity will be restored eventually 

For  common goals, harmony, coexistence 

Awareness of interconnectedness are all essences of humanity

Intrinsically tied to the eternal law of nature! 

Whatever the challenges, as borne out by history 

Our resilience and adaptability will see us through 

We will reclaim humanity in its true essence and glory!  

NB: This poem was penned for and recited during the Seniors Today Poetry meet on 28th February 2025.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

First Crush: Silly Sweet Memories

Middle aged and grey haired
he went back in time for a moment
to his teen age and its silly thoughts, actions
Had followed her around, often oblivious to her
After many trials, jealousies, heartaches,
Finally, she had smiled, accepted his hand of friendship

He now Smiled, recalling the silly stuff
he had written in her book, bidding farewell
on last day of college....

"I live and relive images
of your tender face on my bosom
as I gently cup your delicate shoulders
-images that give me strength
to keep going- come rain, come sun...."

Yes, silly, perhaps 'immature' as well
yet, its sweetness lingers
to be recalled once in a while
as respite to an aging, tired life...

NB: On the call given by Seniors Today Poetry group to recite poems on "Dillagi/ Infatuation" during our meet on 14th Feb Valentines day, I looked up a poem "Silly sweet memories" written earlier, modified it mildly for recitation on the D day.