Gentle breeze, breezed through the land of Himals/ranges
Sagarmatha, Annapurna and many more..
then, went far beyond, oblivious of borders
be it India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China or Bhutan
borders that are sacrosanct only to the puny humans...
The breeze could only see simalarities
in fauna, flora, agricultural pursuits
the embrace of nature and happiness writ
on the faces of people, coexisting in harmony
So much in common between people
cultural ethos, values of right and wrong
food choices, seeing the guest / "Athiti"
as God, to be welcomed with open arms...
Moving on in its journey, a gentle prayer
emnated from the breeze- "May this lovely region
retain, the innocence, simplicity
lost to an extent by modern world exposure
May they continue to live in love, peace harmony
in line with the glorious heritage!
NB: This poem was written for and published in the anthology "Global Rhythms"