Saturday, 1 February 2025

An Open Window Once Again!

She hadn't opened her bedroom window

for so long- ever since the pandemic

many advised- maid, friends , kith & kin

yet she was firm, insisted on solitude

a shelter, refuge from the outside world 

After all, she had lost, her beloved life partner to Corona

 and along with that event, all her self confidence 

drive, will to live as well! 

Then it happened in a dream one night 

her late spouse appeared, to assure he was alright

also to urge her to move on, not waste 

a God given precious life! 

as first step "Open the window" he exhorted!! 

Next Morning she opened the window 

to let in gleams of soothing sunlight 

sights of trees, birds and happy humans 

A rebirth, a resurgence of the life within was achieved 

with the opening of the window- Now she can be seen often

 glued to and contemplating on the sights from the window

 viewing pleasure of real life narratives

 winning over those from the idiot box or social media! 

NB: I wrote this poem in response to a picture prompt given by Million Muse FB Group in connection with its January month contest. The poem received a bronze award,  

Friday, 31 January 2025

Troubled Attachment

An alumni, meet after so many years!

He was excited to meet his engineering classmates

What had become of them

in terms of body size, looks, hairline

temperament, success, failure?

When they met, he was glad, with a shade of envy

to note that many were very successful

in positions of vice presidents, presidents, directors

other key roles of power in the corporate sector

It was late in the evening, when they relaxed over drinks

that the misgivings, complaints began to tumble out

"I hardly meet my spouse, a busy executive herself" said one

"Most part of our years of marriage, we ate, eat maid cooked food,” said another

There were also many complaints from accompanying spouses

"Our only son, hardly calls us from the US"

"My daughter rarely brings the grandkids to spend time with us."

"I feel so lonely; miss the children who have flown away"

Back, during college days, he'd been the confidant

the "Go to person" for day to day troubles

This day, it seemed nothing had changed

classmates, even their spouses opened up

expecting, seeking solutions from him

having handled similar life situations pretty well

he did not cringe, felt competent & confident to counsel, guide

The sounding board cum confidant did not disappoint

he sat with them, one to one and advised "Let go"

"your children have their own life now

it's okay for them to fly away, deal with their own life pressures"

"Find hobbies to engage in, keep pets, spend lost time with spouse

Travel, visiting places of interest- Be it temples or holiday resort!"

Times and circumstances have changed

Accepting life and adapting ensures happy living

saying bye bye to rigid norms, expectations

that are no longer valid or practical

is the sure-fire way to a peaceful, happy remaining life!

NB: I composed this poem and recited it during the Seniors Today poets online meet on 31st January 2025  

Monday, 18 November 2024

Warm Wishes on Your Special Day


On your first  wedding anniversary

oh, lovely ' made for each other" couple

may the warmth,, playfulness,, your comfortable acceptance of each other

serve as strength, guiding light, as you march towards

many more happy anniversaries to come !  

Unwavering love shines forever, at all times, in all circumstances 

be it  during sunshine or rain, at times of plenty or adversity 

May you be the anchor for each other, a pillar of strength

to reach great heights of happiness, peace, and life long bonding,

Proud, happy parents watch you with fondness and  delight 

observing the natural flow of  your love, concern for each other 

and shared interests be it cooking, eating, the cinema  or nature 

May God's blessings be with you Chikku and Devi

 not only on this grand, first, special anniversary 

but forever guiding and protecting you

whole through your loving years together!

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Autumn Dread before the Mirror

She looked at the first strands of silver in her hair 

then, the first wrinkle days later

shocked, in denial, apprehensions of more

the first instinct was to curse the mirror 

Then feelings of despair, melancholy

a tear, few more and then a flood of tears..

all for good, as a powerful shift happened 

in understanding her position, her situation 

Awareness, that it's not unique 

that it happens to everybody 

that it's the law of nature 

that the day is followed by night

and then day again 

autumn followed by winter

and then spring again! 

Focus changed to making most of the present 

share accumulated wisdom gained over the years 

the mirror was no longer a threat 

a mere reminder that life is cyclical

that birth and death of seasons, of life itself 

is natural, inevitable, to be accepted not feared 

And then peace replaced doubts, fears, apprehensions

it was just peace, peace , peace

flooding the body and mind.... 

NB: This Poem has been included in the anthology "Auburn Ambrosia" published by Soul Scribers Society for the Yercaud Poetry Festival.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Autumn Time of a Nation

As I moved to the venue of our residential complex 

to join , partake in the 78th independence day celebrations 

multiple thoughts raced to my mind and sped away 

On the one hand ours,  a nation with a great, hoary past

yet on the other, seemingly a young country 

if counting done, from date of independence  

Whichever way you look at it, Bharat, India , Hindustan

has come full circle, to a state of autumn time 

time to introspect on the losses, gains and the way forward

During the event, I sang a Hindi film song

A song of early independence days, urging countrymen

to leave past behind- the sadness, resentments and complaints

and embrace a new future of hope, possibilities

 opened up by science, technology and willingness to work hard 

Autumn time evokes a sense of transition, reflection 

appreciate the efforts of the past, achievements thus far 

yet willing to let go of old beliefs, habits, relationships

that no longer serve us- shake off the feelings of divisiveness

disruption, discord, disarray, disharmony

A seemingly simple task, made so difficult

by vested interests, not wanting us to move forward

but eternally live in the past, dwelling on the differences 

Differences in attire, worship, languages, social habits 

Our true nature though is all about the similarities 

similar longing for love, peace, happiness 

looked at this way, don't we all want the same things !

Autumn time is the right time, for a person, firm or nation 

to reach out for the gathered wisdom of lived experiences 

conserve energy for future challenges 

rather than fritter it away on the trifles 

have a deeper connection , sense of community 

Autumn draws attention to the impermanence 

reminding us of the inevitable cycle of birth and death

she encourages you to cherish the present 

have a balance between work and rest

to contemplate and find peace 

Key is not being a pawn to sinister designs ,

reminding ourselves again and again

that we are all souls in human bodies

of different colour, shape, sizes

but with the same flame of light within

What better time to remind ourselves

of the common heritage, culture, ethos 

brotherhood and bonding of generations 

"Born and living in this same great country 

we all love our mother, from the bottom of our hearts! "  

NB: This Poem has been included in the anthology "Auburn Ambrosia" published by Soul Scribers Society for the Yercaud Poetry Festival.

Monday, 5 August 2024

Scared to Dance?

Are you scared to dance? Worried who’s looking?

Or asking yourself “what would people say?”

Concerned about gossip travelling from ear to ear?

Then, opt for soul dancing instead

And you will never look back!

A soul dancer, can excel in earthly dance too

Can slip in and out at will

like a lotus immersed in water, yet above it

not a care or worry , as soul dance a spiritual exercise

dancing in communion with God

allowing the spirit to move you, in the eternal, joyous dance

No blocks, cobwebs or interference from the mind

Just quiet peace , attuned to the universe

With feelings of intimacy towards the whole world

NB: This Poem was written for Soul scriber's Society and published in their anthology titled "Soul Dance-Cadences of the Soul". 

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Soul Dance – Reclaiming your natural self

The soul is ever dancing

Being free, being light, its very nature

Restrictions only when in body form

Then, curbs come on the natural flow

On the bliss of being carefree

On the mood to dance anytime, anywhere

The hesitation only here, on Earth

As there’s no time or space in the universal realm

Come, let’s cut through space & time

Even while in the body form

To gain access to dance, the hidden language of the soul

Soon we become part of the sacred dance,

Watching and being part of the cosmic dance,

Naturally, effortlessly….

Movement happening from within,

Straight from the soul!

NB: This Poem was written for Soul scriber's Society and published in their anthology titled "Soul Dance-Cadences of the Soul".