Thursday 16 December 2021

The Unconscious Motive

The ones who don’t let others breathe

The ones who hate others  

 for no particular reason other than

 the colour of their skin

 or because they  don’t belong to their caste,

tribe, religion, country, or have different beliefs

Can all best be described as “peculiar, strange creatures”


They can hate people without ever meeting

without even knowing them personally!   


Does this come from a place of feeling superior?

No, No, not at all! Though they would love to believe so!

They are poor damaged creatures

with feelings  of inadequacy 

and litany of private sorrows! 

 The root of racism and all negative ‘Isms’ is fear

The politicians and vested interests feed on it 

 With sheep like followers succumbing to it

For any hope, progress, light at the end of the tunnel

Be wary of negativity, negative politicians

 Banish ignorance, banish fear, far faraway

from the heads and hearts  of people!  

NB:  This poem has been included in the international anthology  "I Can't Breathe: A poetic Anthology of Social Justice" edited by Dr Christopher Okemwa, author/poet  based out of Kenya.


  1. One of your best, Rajeev. Congrats.

  2. Thanks a lot Pankajam! Happy you related to the post and liked it.

  3. 'Poor damaged creatures with a feeling of inadequacy'.....
    Wonderful true!

    1. Thank you Thiru! So happy you related to the lines!

  4. 'Poor damaged creatures with feelings of inadequacy'

    Well said! Loved it
