Tuesday 30 January 2024

Civilized Conversation, Harmonious Coexistence


It’s not as if we are asking for the moon

Something impossible, unheard of

 It used to happen, not very long ago…

 Why can’t the so called “Modern humans”

“Advanced”, “Digital savvy” humans

Listen, pay attention to views, different from their own

Without getting annoyed, angry, uncomfortable, irritated?


An earlier generation solved many issues

By willing to talk, listen, being open to divergent views

By being respectful, constructive and inclusive


Today, people shout down views of opponents

Plan rebuttals, even before hearing them fully

use sarcasm, derogatory language


Requests during debates to be nice

not interrupt, not be sceptical, avoid side conversations

and acknowledge insights from others

Fall on deaf ears of anchor, participants!


Going forward, restoring civilized behaviour, a must

For handling, sorting out disputes

Living harmoniously with fellow beings


Wake up oh self- centered humans!

Get back to the basics, your original nature

Re learn to live, let live and share

eco system with all beings

 the biotic- Plants, animals, organisms

as also the abiotic- Rocks, other such forms of existence!   

NB:  This poem has been included in the anthology of Chennai Poetry Circle 2023 "Efflorescence". 


  1. I have just posted something on similar lines. Do check it out.

    1. Sure will. Thank you for responding to the post.

  2. You are right.Not only that,tolerance is at it's nadir.
