Sunday 8 October 2023

Twin sides of a Coin

Mutual trust, mutual understanding-

Two sides of the same coin

One dependent on the other  

Complementing each other!


It takes two to Tango 

when both parties want it, value it 

Then, trust becomes possible 

Understanding happens….

Want trust? Be reliable and trustworthy!

 When followed through with genuine action

Relationships blossom, become gardens!


Rock solid trust, impossible

if promises not kept? if broken, once, twice

too many times...

The bottom line is caring enough 

Caring enough to make efforts

To understand, the priorities, motivations

Needs of the other person…


When the basics are addressed, 

understanding happens....

Just as daylight is a natural given 

of the rising sun, inseparable is

Mutual understanding and trust  

One follows the other

After all, they are two sides of the same coin! 

NB: This poem was composed and recited during the  Motivational Strips  "Be a Star Contest" featuring poets from over 100 countries. It won a Honorary mention certificate (Poetry excellence) .


  1. Maintaining a relationship is an art. Like tango.

  2. Thank you for responding and sharing your thought on the subject.
