Thursday 1 June 2023

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is about 

stronger, more confident women!

Rather than the 'what'  perhaps

the 'How' is more important! 

Will empowerment happen

from aping the other sex

being more 'aggressive', 'demanding'  or 

by rejecting, denouncing the other sex?  

Awareness, of the root of discrimination 

is perhaps the first step, knowing 

how social conditioning, economic dependence

was all planned and implemented by patriarchy

over long periods of time...  

Enabling women, empowering women-

both  economically and socially

ensuring their autonomy and self determination 

is the key for good health, social development

of the family, the community and the country! 

Yes, empowering women is the need of the hour

for a bright, healthy, abundant tomorrow!   

NB: This poem was composed for the Asian Literary society's Asian Literary society's Annual Anthology: "ALS 2021: WOMEN" 


  1. Wow! Like your say on empowerment of women! 'yes, empowering women is the need of the hour'...

  2. Thank you so much for reading and responding to the post!
