Wednesday 31 August 2022

The View from Above

Journeying upwards, higher and higher 

even as people, buildings, bridges

become smaller and smaller 

to the size of tiny toys 

and I view down from the vantage point 

from up above through the clear blue sky

I notice, see them all 

tiny humans with puffed up egos 

believing the whole world 

revolves around them 

that all else exist for their pleasure 

Other humans plotting and planning 

for success any which way 

be it by spewing hate, massacring others 

anyone and anything seen as a threat  

oblivious to the fact that they themselves

are transient beings, destined to leave 

earth when their time comes...

How interesting this view 

from the vantage point high above 

to see all creatures big and small

maneuvering, striving hard for survival 

yet none so vile as the humans! 

Despite the blessing of intellect 

reasoning and intuition they sadly

are  unable to recognize the oneness

the unity of the universe...

Unable humans are, to live sans conflict 

unable to recognize the truth

that everything is meant to coexist

that all beings, fauna and flora 

are just perfect in their own place! 

NB:  This poem has been included in the anthology "Dream poetry-Restore space" brought out by the Soul Scribers Society during the Yercaud poetry Fest.


  1. Everything is meant to coexist.
    That's it.

  2. Thank you for reading and responding to the post!

  3. Humans are unable to live sans conflict to their own peril (and also causing collateral damage to the other beings). So nice is the poem. If only the misled human-beings were able to grasp its essence !

  4. Thank you so much reading and sharing your thoughts on the subject!
