Thursday 10 December 2020

A poetic Bio data

This was an  interesting request by the editor Anju Kishore to write "Poetic Bio data"  by  all  the 45 poets who contributed  to the  4th annual anthology titled "Ruminations" of the India Poetry circle (IPC),- "Confluence- 4"  has  14 poems created  from  few lines contributed by each of the 45  poets.  This is my poetic bio data.

There goes Rajeev
He used to write while in school, college 
the rumble and tumble of day to day living
and working in  the corporate meant 
the old phase was all but  forgotten...   

Eight to ten years back,
he resurfaced, started with prose, 
now writes a lot of poetry too 
loves engaging in his twin passions
of teaching/training,  and writing! 

Couple of books-one each in prose and poetry
and contributions to national & international publications 
to literary groups on FB , Indi-blogger
is  a proud  member of IPC and BPC 
covers  just about all you can tell about him!   

NB:   IPC refers to India Poetry Circle and BPC to Bangalore poetry circle      

IPC also suggested that the poetic Bio of one poet be read by another poet. My bio was read  by poet Padmini Janardhanan  the link to which is given below:-