Wednesday 8 April 2020

Home Work

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Time and again
Big decisions, in haste
No homework

Catastrophe ...


  1. So much said in just four lines.

  2. Thanks a lot for your feedback Durga Prasadji!

  3. Home work is much needed for the home to look like a home :) :)
    No catastrophe!
    Stay home. Work at home. Do home(house) work! :)

  4. Once a poem is written, readers understand it in their own way and as per their mental condition. You have chosen to connect this straight away to the corona crisis. Good for you.

    However, my poem envisages a bigger issue of doing thorough homework before taking any major decision. As for example, if a salaried person wants to quit his job and start a business, homework needs to be done. It cannot and should not be decided hastily..

    Thank you Dr Anita for sharing your take on the subject!
