Tuesday 17 March 2020


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I long, you long
all long for paradise
yet, seems a mirage-   as no one knows for sure

you have yours
I have mine
we all have our own notions
varying imaginations
of what exactly is this paradise!

If you, I, all of us
tell, share, communicate more
of what we want
what we seek, unravel deep yearnings
inside our heads and hearts

Perhaps a meeting of minds
will happen and the paradise will emerge
A paradise of loving, mutually supporting souls
welcoming and available to everyone who
are willing to open their heads and hearts !


  1. Paradise is also an individual notion. Prophet Muhamad's Paradise is quite different from Jesus', for example. My view of paradise would be quite different from yours. But you're absolutely right when it comes to th role of love in paradise.

  2. Paradise definition is different as per our own thoughts and beliefs.
    Very true.
    Even terrorists have their own ideas about attaining "jannat"!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thought.Happy you could relate to the post.

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    1. Thank you. Checked out your blog.It is quite interesting. All the best!
