Thursday 6 February 2020

Blind Worship

Die hard fans of film stars, politicians, cult figures
over a period, get brainwashed
fawn over every word of their 'Hero'
believe their 'deity' could do no wrong!

Everything they do, even the wrong
very wrong things like drunken driving
or "Drunk with power" actions
obvious to everyone else as 'Faulty'
are all lapped up, justified by the 'crazy' 'loony' fans

Are the ones with cult status
commanding sheepish, 'sheep like' following
really blessed, fortunate, very lucky in life?
well history tells us otherwise!

The cult like figures, exceeding brief
history reminds us
came to very sorry, tragic ends! 
all that glitters is not gold! 


  1. You have rightly pointed out one of the maladies of our times.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject Dashji!

  3. And the immense PR machinery that works behind the scenes to sustain that image!

  4. Yes, these days images are also created and sustained for a price. Thank you Mridula for sharing your thought.

  5. Agree with you.
    We need "eyes" to see what's right & not be blind!
    But, some are "blind even with eyes"!
    Had written a post on this :)

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thought on the subject!You could have shared the link to your post.
