Saturday, 26 September 2015

Evasive Peace

It’s but natural
for man to be concerned,
worried about violence
all over the world

It’s natural for him
to worry and agonize
over future of the world order,
 of world peace….

Bur more concerned should he be
of violence in own country
in his own state
violence in his own district
in the neighbourhood…

First and foremost though
his concern should be
for the lack of peace in his
own mind and heart

Without the first step
world peace would be
like a flying bird

Ever evasive, out of reach!

Ps: This poem was recited by me at the Guntur International Poetry Festival on 22nd September 2015


  1. Beautiful one! If must have been well received at the festival!

  2. Your poetry conveys deep thoughts but in a very simple language which I really appreciate.

    Agree with your thought. If everybody focuses on his inner self/ own neighborhood/ region, the world will automatically become much more peaceful.

  3. Very happy to receive your feedback Subhodeep.Thank you so much!
